Hello Everyone!

14 01 2011

Hello! I thought the best way to kick start this blog would be to introduce you to your friendly internet neighborhood blogger, me!! So who exactly am I?

To begin, I was born on a small farm in Central Illinois founded by my great-great-great grandfather (in case you are counting in your head, that’s six generations). You know the saying “location, location, LOCATION!…” well it’s definitely true-growing up on this small farm has pretty much defined me completely.

I learned to love and appreciate animals, from ducks and cows to snakes and garden spiders. In fact, my brother and I had an animal rescue operation when we were in elementary school. Our regular clients included birds and rodents our cats had injured… needless to say we didn’t have video games, internet, or cable television. Other activities included making hybrid dams/bridges to cross from one side of the creek to the other from mud, seaweed, rocks and field tiles.

Today, I refuse to drive on a particular road near our farm that went from field to suburb rather dramatically. Every year the city seems to creep closer and closer, developing more and more prime farmland into excess developments (excess gas stations, Subways, golf courses, etc). Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping and eating and going to movies too… but I know the value in good soil and good people to take care of it too.

Hopefully this introduction gives you a little insight as to who I am. And make sure to stay tuned for more anecdotes and family history!