We Love [Safe] Farmers

16 02 2011

In the spirit if Valentine’s Day week (because one day of loving is never enough!), I wanted to find a nice “We Love Farmers” youtube video. Here is what I came up with:

And I kept looking to give all you farmers a little loving this holiday season…. but what I ended up finding set this blog post in a totally different direction than I had anticipated. This next youtube video made me want to emphasize that farmers are loved and appreciated, so be safe! I think production agriculturalists sometimes take for granted how large and dangerous farm machinery can be.

I hope this video encourages us all to take our time. Don’t rush into the planting season too soon when it is too wet. Be aware of your surroundings (especially deep ditches and power lines).

Here is an informational video about tractor safety tips involving a tractor and liquid manure spreader:

Another thing, don’t text and drive in a car OR a tractor OR combine OR any other motorized vehicle. Teenagers aren’t the only one abusing texting and smart phone apps.

The overall take home message: be safe! And…. Peace Love and Corn, which is apparently available as a bumper sticker too: http://images2.cpcache.com/product/450061762v3_480x480_Front.jpg… in case you need a belated Valentine’s Day gift!!

Corn Bumper Sticker